George @ Berklee

Making the most of $40,000

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Farewell Boston...

...I hardly knew ye...

Well this wraps up a successful first year here at the Berklee College of Music. Exams are done, bags are packed and no serious injuries.

I had a really good time this year but I'm sure next year will be really great too. Look forward to:

-The Middle Eights kicking it up a notch and playing some cool shows!
-It's going to be a goal of mine to perform at one of the guitar showcase nights here (either guitar night jazz/blues or guitar night rock/pop)
-Also I want to do some more singer/songwriter type stuff which I've been putting on the back burner the last few months.
-Win something in a songwriting competition. I can feel it coming.. I think I'm going to have a big breakthrough really soon.

This summer is going to be action packed too:

-Taking summer courses at the University of Calgary to get some of my general education credits out of the way
-My boy Timbot is getting married! W00t!
-My "Steve Vai" summer which consists of practicing for hours and hours every day.
-Playing some sweet bass guitar with The Rudies!
-Calgary Folkfest with Melissa!
-GUITAR WAR!!!!!! [thunder and lightning]
-More fun probably!

My flight is tommorow (Sunday at around 3 pm EDT) and I'll be getting into Calgary about 10:20 pm MDT then have to get to bed to get up for my 9 am class at the UofC.

Thanks for checking out the blog, I'm not sure if I'm going to update it during the summer but I'll keep you all posted!

Take care and I'll see you all soon!